Founders Classical Academy - Corinth Grammar (K-5)


Campus Name

Campus Director


Campus Phone

Founders Classical Academy-CorinthBrooks McDonald

Dru Mosley 



Assistant Director

Enrollment System Used

Campus Fax

800 Point Vista Road, suite 518 Hickory Creek, TX 75065

Tara Chamberlain

Assistant Headmaster

School Mint940-708-0153

Grades Offered for 2022-2023

School Website

Facebook Page

Are you located inside a church?

Grammar campus





Upcoming Meetings:




Brand Talking Points: Founders Classical Academy

At Founders Classical Academy, we seek to provide a well-rounded education that is distinctively classical, pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society. 

Founders Classical Academies are public schools of choice in a private school setting. Students in grades K-12 need educators who are willing to guide them and help them become virtuous, responsible citizens. We offer a rigorous classical education in the liberal arts and sciences and we value applicants with real-world experience and education.

 Classical Distinctives

Quadrivium and Liberal Arts

Core Knowledge Program 

English from the Roots Up 

Latin and Other Languages

Formal Logic

Classical Composition

Advanced Rhetoric

History, Literature, and The Great Conversation

Minds-On Learning

Math and Science (history and telos)

The Arts - A Humanities Approach

Goodness, Truth, and Beauty 

Educating for Life and Liberty


Campus Talking Points: Add any talking points provided by campus below

1. Founders classical academies seek to work with parents to raise good children who are responsible citizens. Virtue and self-governance are taught within the curriculum.

2. We teach explicit phonics and orthography as well as Singapore math in elementary grades.

3. We do not issue Chromebooks/tech to students. Students are expected to use pencil, paper, and planners to take notes and keep track of assignments.

4. We focus on depth of knowledge so a student will likely be studying the same things in history, art, and/or literature. For example, when a student learns about Rome, they will be learning Roman history, Roman myths and stories, and Roman art/architecture. The curriculum is knowledge-rich and built around the principle of increasing cultural literacy or a common body of essential knowledge that promotes academic success, citizenship, and the centrality of the Western Tradition.

5. Students read great works of literature and discuss texts seriously. They also learn Latin, logic, art and music.



Date Updated: November 2022

What school year was this campus first active?

Fall 2006

When is the 1st day of school?

August 11, 2022

When is the last day of School?

May 2, 2023

Are your students housed in separate buildings? If so, please explain.

Yes. K-5 at the Hickory Creek Campus. 6-12 at the Corinth Campus.

How many sections do you have per grade level?

K-4, 4 section; 5th, 3 sections

What is the student/teacher ratio per grade level?

Kinder - 20/1

1st through 5th - 27/1

Do you offer bilingual classes? If so, what grades?


What are your office hours during the school year?

What are the office hours during the summer?

7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Does your school offer a lunch program?

Do you serve breakfast?


What are the class times for students?

Are these times different for Prek?

Classes are approximately 50 minutes long.  We do not have preK

Do you offer an after-school program?

Who is the contact person for the after-school program?

K-8 is after school.  Please contact Veronica Guy at

Where can uniforms be purchased?

San Bay

What extracurricular activities are offered at your campus?

Sports, theater, Liberty and learning, Cooking Club, Just Serve

Do you offer AP courses? If so, what grades and courses?

Yes, Calculus and hopefully science next year - 12th grade

Do you offer Dual Credit courses? If so, what grades and courses?

What college are these associated with?

Yes, starting in 10th grade.  English, History, Moral Philosophy, Art Appreciation, History of Religion, Government - Associated with MSU

Where can parents purchase school supplies?

PTO will create boxes, otherwise a supply list will be online

How can parents take a tour of your campus?

Contact the front desk