Founders Classical Academy - West Little Rock (K-12)


Campus Name

Campus Director


Campus Phone

Founders Classical Academy - West Little Rock

Arkansas Area 

Jennifer Almond


Jessica Morgan


Main Line:


Assistant Director

Enrollment System Used

Campus Fax

1815 Rahling Road
Little Rock, AR 72223

Grades Offered for 2023-2024

School Website

Facebook Page

Are you located inside a church?







Arkansas law states that a student must be 5 years old by August 5th to qualify for Kindergarten.

Open Enrollment: December 1 - January 31 
Re-enrollment & Transfer: December 1 - December 31  
Lottery: TBA

Upcoming Meetings:




Brand Talking Points: Founders Classical Academy

At Founders Classical Academy, we seek to provide a well-rounded education that is distinctively classical, pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society. 

Founders Classical Academies are public schools of choice in a private school setting. Students in grades K-12 need educators who are willing to guide them and help them become virtuous, responsible citizens. We offer a rigorous classical education in the liberal arts and sciences and we value applicants with real-world experience and education.

 Classical Distinctives

Quadrivium and Liberal Arts

Core Knowledge Program 

English from the Roots Up 

Latin and Other Languages

Formal Logic

Classical Composition

Advanced Rhetoric

History, Literature, and The Great Conversation

Minds-On Learning

Math and Science (history and telos)

The Arts - A Humanities Approach

Goodness, Truth, and Beauty 

Educating for Life and Liberty


Campus Talking Points: Add any talking points provided by campus below

  • Talking Point 1 We offer a traditional classical education. 

  • Talking Point 2 We offer after free school tutoring on an as-needed basis.

  • Talking Point 3 Our campus is small by design, which gives it a private school atmosphere where parents, faculty, and staff can work together for the benefit of each child. Though it may seem like a small private school, it is an established, tuition-free public school of choice.

  • Talking Point 4 The mindset says that well-informed and self-governing people who pursue the common good promote a healthy and free society. That mindset is informed by a distinct body of knowledge and tools of learning that promotes an understanding of the human experience and the world in which we live.

  • Talking Point 5 Our classical threefold method of instruction recognizes that all learning is built upon previous learning and that students learn in a hierarchical manner: systematic knowledge acquisition, dialectic and logic that is an extension of the knowledge, and rhetoric or the art of persuasion, which provides for the eloquent expression of thought.


Date Updated:06.15.2023

What school year was this campus first active?

 2014 as Quest Middle School

When is the 1st day of school?

August 14, 2024

When is the last day of School?

May 25, 2025

Are your students housed in separate buildings? If so, please explain.


How many sections do you have per grade level?

What is the student/teacher ratio per grade level?

1:14 (varies)

Do you offer bilingual classes? If so, what grades?


What are your office hours during the school year?

What are the office hours during the summer?

School year 7:30-4:00

Summer 8:00-4:00

Does your school offer a lunch program?

Do you serve breakfast?

Yes and yes

What are the class times for students?

Are these times different for Prek?

8 am - 3pm for elementary and 8am - 3:25 for MS and HS

We do not have a pre-K

Do you offer an after-school program?

Who is the contact person for the after-school program?


Where can uniforms be purchased?

Lands End or we do have the rule of resemblance

What extracurricular activities are offered at your campus?

We do have some after school clubs. Not sure what they will be at the moment.

Do you offer AP courses? If so, what grades and courses?

Yes. 10th-12th. Possibly 9th

Do you offer Dual Credit courses? If so, what grades and courses?

What college are these associated with?

Yes. Call the campus for this information.

Where can parents purchase school supplies?

teacher will have our school supply list. It is currently being updated.

How can parents take a tour of your campus?

Call and set up an appointment with the front desk.