Founders Classical Academy - Carrollton (K-12)


Campus Name

Campus Director


Campus Phone

Founders Classical Academy - Carrollton  

Headmaster: Kaila Crowell, Interim Headmaster Kimberly Brown

Tammy McNeil (K-5)

Alma Hall (6-10)



Assistant Director

Enrollment System Used

Campus Fax

2400 N. Josey Lane

Carrollton, TX 75006

Monique Wylie (K-5)
Kimberly Brown (6-12)

Grades Offered for 2023-2024

School Website

Facebook Page

Are you located inside a church?

K-12 church






Upcoming Meetings:



Brand Talking Points: Founders Classical Academy

At Founders Classical Academy, we seek to provide a well-rounded education that is distinctively classical, pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society. 

Founders Classical Academies are public schools of choice in a private school setting. Students in grades K-12 need educators who are willing to guide them and help them become virtuous, responsible citizens. We offer a rigorous classical education in the liberal arts and sciences and we value applicants with real-world experience and education.

 Classical Distinctives

Quadrivium and Liberal Arts

Core Knowledge Program 

English from the Roots Up 

Latin and Other Languages

Formal Logic

Classical Composition

Advanced Rhetoric

History, Literature, and The Great Conversation

Minds-On Learning

Math and Science (history and telos)

The Arts - A Humanities Approach

Goodness, Truth, and Beauty 

Educating for Life and Liberty


Campus Talking Points: 

  • Founders Carrollton focus on attributes like integrity, patience, self-control, thoughtfulness, justice, humility, prudence, and gratitude, just to name a few. We have conversations about these virtues, practice them every day, and help each other learn how these characteristics help us be better human beings.
  • Founders Carrollton follow a curriculum organized from a historical timeline focused on the human experience and our pursuit of virtue and liberty. This allows for subjects to integrate into one another, support each other, and create a well-rounded education focused on the students becoming inquisitive. Another difference in the curriculum is the emphasis on books that support this pursuit.
  • Founders Classical Academies derive their names due to the emphasis on the American experiment in self-government. This aspect makes a Founders school different from many other classical schools. We are interested in developing responsible adults who do not require a strong government to tell them what to do. They understand their rights and their obligations. They value contribution, and they take action when appropriate.
  • Smaller class sizes throughout all grade levels. 
  • Phonics based in the lower grades.
  • Great Books in all grades (K-1 through read aloud and 2+ beginning reading independently-starting with Charlotte’s Web)
  • All students take Art, Music/Theater, and PE in grades K-8. 
  • Students graduate with distinction and three endorsements by completing our core curriculum. 
  • All grades have a monthly recitation. This is either a poem or a speech. Rhetoric is a component of our instruction in each grade. 
  • Upper School (6-12) students may play sports and are involved in a House System. Our Student Council is also through the House System.
  • Founders Carrollton is an expanding campus and we expect to grow by 300 students in the next few years. 
  • Extracurriculars: Sports including basketball, volleyball, and soccer are highly competitive and have won first or second place the last two years in our division. Upper School math competitors went to state competition (Austin) and placed in three categories: including first, third and fourth. Our cheerleaders also went to state competition (San Marcos) and placed fourth. 
  • Our students begin to earn high school credit in the 7th grade (dependent on course/track). Starting in 9th grade students earn AP credits (dependent on course/track)
  • Active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) that helps facilitate on and off campus events including various fundraisers, spirit nights, teacher appreciation, field day, etc. 
  • Little to no technology campus which includes our No cell phone policy. Students are not issued tablets or laptops. All assignments are paper/pencil with the exception of Journalism, and some Upper School Math and English classes.
  • Auditorium can seat up to 2,000 guests, and is home to many of our all campus events including morning assembly, Spelling Bee, One Act Play Competition, Lower School Winter Concert, Awards Assembly,  Senior Graduation as well as special programs such as Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly, Veterans Day and much more.



Date Updated:08/29/2023

What school year was this campus first active?


When is the 1st day of school?

August 14, 2024

When is the last day of School?

May 22, 2025

Are your students housed in separate buildings? If so, please explain.

No. We do separate our K-5 students from 6-12 as best we can. For example, designated restrooms per grade level, separate lunch periods/cafeterias, separate morning assembly and carline procedure

How many sections do you have per grade level?

K-7: 3 sections per grade level, 8-9: 2 sections per grade level, 10-12: 1 section per grade level

What is the student/teacher ratio per grade level?

K: 20, 1-2: 22, 3-5: 24, 6-12: 25

Do you offer bilingual classes? If so, what grades?


What are your office hours during the school year?

What are the office hours during the summer?

School Year: Monday - Friday: 7:25am-3:55pm 

Summer: Summer Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm (although we are off site this summer due to construction)

Does your school offer a lunch program?

Do you serve breakfast?

Yes, both breakfast and lunch.

What are the class times for students?

Are these times different for Prek?

K-5: 7:55am-3:25pm

6-12: 8:05am-3:35pm

No Pre-K.

Do you offer an after-school program?

Who is the contact person for the after-school program?

Yes. Crissie McWilliams (

Where can uniforms be purchased?

Flynn O’Hara 

(online or at store front in Ft. Worth)

What extracurricular activities are offered at your campus?

All after-school programs: Sports: Flag Football, Cheer, Girls and Boys Basketball, Volleyball, Girls and Boys Soccer, Theatre: try-out and perform in on campus spring play, Math Competition, and Orchestra.

Other clubs offered in past due to interest level, Lego, Art & Crafts, Chess, Cross Stitch, Coding, Karate, Piano Lessons,

Do you offer AP courses? If so, what grades and courses?

Yes starting in 7th grade. AP Latin, AP US History, AP Literature and Composition, AP Calculus

Do you offer Dual Credit courses? If so, what grades and courses?

What college are these associated with?


Where can parents purchase school supplies?

Pre-Order through EPI. Order has closed for campus delivery for fall. However, families can find grade level lists on our website and purchase through other big box stores. 

How can parents take a tour of your campus?

Call 972-245-2900 and the front desk can schedule a tour. 

Schedule a tour appointment. Held on Wednesday mornings from 9:00am.10:00am.