Founders Classical Academy - LEWISVILLE (K-12)


Campus Name

Campus Director


Campus Phone

Founders Classical Academy-Lewisville

Alex Misko

Anne Dowgielewicz -Grammar

Koni Ramsey-Middle & Upper

 469-464-3415 (Grammar)

972-436-3990 (Middle)

972-219-2370 (Upper)


Assistant Director

Enrollment System Used

Campus Fax

1010 Bellaire Blvd.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Mandi Wood, Kim Sheley

School Mint for new students, Skyward for re-enrollment.


Grades Offered for 2024-2025

School Website

Facebook Page

Are you located inside a church?






Upcoming Meetings:



Brand Talking Points: Founders Classical Academy

At Founders Classical Academy, we seek to provide a well-rounded education that is distinctively classical, pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society. 

Founders Classical Academies are public schools of choice in a private school setting. Students in grades K-12 need educators who are willing to guide them and help them become virtuous, responsible citizens. We offer a rigorous classical education in the liberal arts and sciences and we value applicants with real-world experience and education.

 Classical Distinctives

Quadrivium and Liberal Arts

Core Knowledge Program 

English from the Roots Up 

Latin and Other Languages

Formal Logic

Classical Composition

Advanced Rhetoric

History, Literature, and The Great Conversation

Minds-On Learning

Math and Science (history and telos)

The Arts - A Humanities Approach

Goodness, Truth, and Beauty 

Educating for Life and Liberty


Campus Talking Points: Add any talking points provided by campus below

  • FoundersClassical Academy of Lewisville seeks to provide an excellent and
  • distinctively classical education that pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and
  • prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society.
  • ● Founders emphasizes the importance of understanding American history, civics,
  • and Founding principles
  • ● 12 Commitments toTeaching and Learning

1. Virtues, as well as principles in self-government and civility, are identified and

clearly taught in a seamless manner through course content.

2. Emphasis is placed on minds-on learning and on fostering a spirit of inquiry in

students; standardized tests, while important, do not drive curriculum and


3. The curriculum is knowledge-rich and built with the goal of providing students with

a common body of essential knowledge that promotes academic success,

citizenship, and the centrality of the Western Tradition.

4. Literacy is taught through explicit phonics and grammar, and rational thought and

expression are acquired through logic and rhetoric.

5. Greek and Latin constitute the foundational foreign language instruction for

training in grammar, vocabulary, and critical thinking and as a bridge to the study of

seminal texts and to other languages.

6. Classic works of history and literature, i.e. Great Books, constitute the texts

students read, examine, and discuss with depth and seriousness.

7. Mathematical and scientific knowledge are pursued for their own sakes, not

merely for their practical applications; both aim at human excellence.

8. Instruction in the fine and performing arts are essential to the curriculum and

include instruction in theory, history, and performance.

9. Students are trained in study skills, planning, and organization, a close reading of

the text, and note-taking.

10. Importance is placed on bodily fitness and physical education in concert with fit


11. Co-curricular and extra-curricular academic and athletics activities are offered

and encouraged to promote a well-ordered and well-rounded experience for


12. The education of children is viewed as a collaborative and essential partnership

between parents and professional educators.



Date Updated:07.05.2023

What school year was this campus first active?


When is the 1st day of school?

August 13, 2024

When is the last day of School?

May 23rd, 2025

Are your students housed in separate buildings? If so, please explain.

There are three main buildings, housing

K-4, 5-8, and 9-12.

How many sections do you have per grade level?


What is the student/teacher ratio per grade level?

K: 1/18

1st: 1/21

2nd - 4th: 1/22



Do you offer bilingual classes? If so, what grades?


What are your office hours during the school year?

What are the office hours during the summer?

7:30-4:00 M-F

9:00-3:00 M-Th

Does your school offer a lunch program?

Do you serve breakfast?



What are the class times for students?

K-5: 7:45-3:15

6-12: 8:00-3:30 

Do you offer an after-school program?

Who is the contact person for the after-school program?


Joy Tarver (

Where can uniforms be purchased?

Lands’ End (Lands' End) 

What extracurricular activities are offered at your campus?

Athletics:Football, cross-country, girls’

volleyball, cheer team, drill team,

basketball, track, softball, baseball, soccer,

men's volleyball.

Other: orchestra, choir, art club, theater,

debate, chess, NJHS, NHS, service club,

student council, etc.

Do you offer Dual Credit courses? If so, what grades

and courses?

What college are these associated with?

10th English, 11th Rhetoric, psychology.

LeTourneau University

Do you offer AP courses? If so, what grades and courses?

Yes: AP Language and Composition, AP

Literature and Composition, AP Latin, AP

Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Biology,


Where can parents purchase school supplies?


How can parents take a tour of your campus?

Public tours are scheduled in November, December, and January; to register, parents may call the grammar office.