Classical Academy - Permian Basin (K-8)
Campus Name | Campus Director | Registrar | Campus Phone |
Classical Academy - Permian Basin | Linea Dowler | Tanisha (Nisha) Brannon | (432) 217-6122 |
Address | Assistant Director | Enrollment System Used | Campus Fax |
4320 W. Illinois Suite A Midland ,TX 79703 | SchoolMint/Skyward | (432)682-0897 | |
Grades Offered for 2023-2024 | School Website | Facebook Page | Are you located inside a church? |
K-8 | | | No We are right next to PHS - Midland |
Announcements: |
Upcoming Meetings: |
Brand Talking Points: Classical Academy |
We purpose to provide a classical program that reflects the motto of Charlotte Mason: “Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life” Our program includes a strong liberal arts curriculum, with an emphasis on American civics, art, music, math, science and Latin in pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful. We believe a classical program is an effective way to promote wisdom and virtue while preparing students to live as responsible citizens and lifelong learners in a free society.
Classical Academy Distinctives -Classical virtues, as well as principles in self-government and civility are identified and clearly taught in a seamless manner through course content. -The curriculum is knowledge-rich and built around the belief that there is a common body of knowledge all members of our society should master in the core areas and in the Fine Arts. -Emphasis is placed on minds-on learning and on fostering a spirit of inquiry in students. -Standardized tests do not drive the curriculum. -Literacy is taught through explicit phonics and traditional grammar and composition. Logic and rhetoric are emphasized in the upper school grades. - Greek and Latin root words are taught in the upper elementary grades. Latin studies are an integral part of the upper school curriculum. -Mathematical and scientific knowledge are pursued for their own sake, not merely for their practical applications. -Literature and History instructions are rooted in primary sources and in great books. -Instruction in the Fine Arts includes theory, history, and performance. -Students are trained in study skills, planning, and organization, close reading of text, and note taking. -Importance is placed on bodily fitness and physical education in concert with fit minds. -Co-curricular and extra-curricular academic and athletic activities are offered and encouraged to promote a well-ordered and well-rounded experience for students.
Core Curriculum Core Knowledge “English From the Roots Up” Explicit Phonics Living/Rich Literature & Poetry Recitations Handwriting/Cursive History & Timelines Geography Grammar Art & Music Math in Focus Science Latin (MS) |
Campus Talking Points: Add any talking points provided by campus below |
● Talking Point 1; Founders/Classical Curriculum ● Talking Point 2; Expectations ● Talking Point 3; Information about school start times/Attendance Policy ● Talking Point 4; Uniform Information |
Date Updated:06.09.2023
What school year was this campus first active? | 2018-2019 |
When is the 1st day of school? | Monday, August 12, 2024 |
When is the last day of School? Thursday, May 22, 2025 | |
Are your students housed in separate buildings? If so, please explain. | No |
How many sections do you have per grade level? | Kinder, 1st, 2nd & 4th: 2 sections 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th: 1 section |
What is the student/teacher ratio per grade level? | |
Do you offer bilingual classes? If so, what grades? | No |
What are your office hours during the school year? What are the office hours during the summer? | 7:30 am- 3:30 PM M-F 8:00 am-4:00PM Closed Fridays |
Does your school offer a lunch program? Do you serve breakfast? | No lunch program Yes breakfast |
What are the class times for students? Are these times different for Prek? | All students 8:00 am-3:20 PM Daily M-F No PreK |
Do you offer an after-school program? Who is the contact person for the after-school program? | Yes Treden Detrick |
Where can uniforms be purchased? | |
What extracurricular activities are offered at your campus? | None |
Do you offer AP courses? If so, what grades and courses? | n/a |
Do you offer Dual Credit courses? If so, what grades and courses? What college are these associated with? | n/a |
Where can parents purchase school supplies? | Any locat department store |
How can parents take a tour of your campus? | Setting appointment with director |