Foundation School of Autism - Plano (Pk3-1st grade)


Campus Name

Campus Director


Campus Phone

Foundation School of Autism - PlanoRachel Schneider
Jennifer Crane


Assistant Director

Enrollment System Used

Campus Fax

2200 Midway Road
Plano Texas 75093
N/ASchool Mint


Grades Offered for 2024-2025

School Website

Facebook Page

Are you located inside a church?

ECSE 3 - 1st grade

Foundation School of Autism Plano





Upcoming Meetings:





Brand Talking Points: 

The Foundation School for Autism is a tuition-free, public charter school serving children ages 3-7 with a focus on early intervention. The school focuses on these early years because research shows that if children receive early intervention before the age of six, it can change the course of their lives. Instruction is provided in a small learning environment (student/teacher ratio is 7/2) with the resources and staff to provide the intensive programs and support services—speech therapy, occupational therapy, and applied behavior analysis—needed for children with autism. Each child receives an individual education plan to develop and improve key areas such as learning readiness, independent work, and academics. We teach important socio-emotive skills to help children navigate tricky social interactions that often cause them difficulty during their school years. Additionally, we provide special training to parents to help them cope with their child’s behavior.

Early Intervention Focus

The Foundation School of Autism - Plano will additionally offer services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral support from a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Each classroom will have at least two staff members, including a certified special education teacher and instructional aide. Our campus support staff will include specialists who will work with students and teachers, a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) to support the development of language and communication skills, an Occupational Therapist (OT) to address fine motor skills, and a BCBA to provide behavioral support to students, staff, and parents. The SLP, OT, and BCBA will all work closely with teachers to provide professional development consistent with peer-reviewed research.

  • Eligibility for this campus requires that the student have Special Education Eligibility through the local ISD. Parents must work with the local ISD for this.

  • Any student with Special Ed eligibility is eligible, not just those with the spectrum.


Campus Talking Points: Add any talking points provided by campus below

  • Foundation School of Autism Plano is a public charter school serving children ages 3-7. 

  • It is a special education setting only, so students that enroll will already need to have special education eligibility established through a Full and Individual Evaluation with their public school district.

  • Students receive academic support as well as speech and/or OT therapy and behavioral support from a BCBA.

  • The campus is small by design.  It is a tuition-free, public school of choice.

  • There is an open enrollment period each year.  Seats are offered on a first-come, first serve basis.  If you apply after open enrollment and no seats are available, your child will be placed on a waitlist.     




Date Updated: 06.09.2023

What school year was this campus first active?


When is the 1st day of school?

August 12, 2024

When is the last day of School?

 May 23, 2025

Are your students housed in separate buildings? If so, please explain.

No.  All students are in one building.  This is a special education setting.  

How many sections do you have per grade level?



First Grade-TBD 

What is the student/teacher ratio per grade level?


Do you offer bilingual classes? If so, what grades?

No bilingual classes offered 

What are your office hours during the school year?

What are the office hours during the summer?

School year - Office Hours 7:30-3:30 

Summer -Office Hours 7:30-3:30

Does your school offer a lunch program?

Do you serve breakfast?

No school lunch program.  

Breakfast for purchase

What are the class times for students?

Are these times different for Prek?

Kindergarten/1st grade – 8:30-2:30 

ECSE – 8:30-1:30

Do you offer an after-school program?

Who is the contact person for the after-school program?

No after school program offered


Where can uniforms be purchased?

No uniforms worn at this campus

What extracurricular activities are offered at your campus?

No extracurricular activities are offered at this campus

Do you offer AP courses? If so, what grades and courses?


Do you offer Dual Credit courses? If so, what grades and courses?

What college are these associated with?


Where can parents purchase school supplies?

Any local store.  Supply list emailed to families over the summer and paper copy sent home the first week of school. 

How can parents take a tour of your campus?

Email the director ( or call the school (972-696-0505) to schedule with the director

Additional Information:

  • Consideration will be given to siblings of any child who is enrolled. 

  • Wait lists do not carry-over year to year.  Families must re-apply each year.  

  • A medical diagnosis does not constitute eligibility for this school setting.  By law, students must have an educational eligibility/need for this setting.